Blainer, Mbleina or Bleina meaning in Sheng and English

Learning and discovering new language is important as it helps you grow and be able to communicate with your peers. We learn everyday new language in the streets. Actually Google is here to help us everyday. However, we are committed in researching the new interesting sheng’ words for you, to make it easy to our readers to understand.
“Mbleina”, “Blainer” or “Bleina” Meaning in English
So as we go about our daily activities, we discovered the word “Mbleina”, “Blainer” or “Bleina”. The spelling doestn’t matter rather than the pronounciacion – Mb-le-i-na. The word “Mbleina”, “Blainer” or “Bleina” is derived from a phrase in the streets – Mtiaji or mrazi. It means a person who doest’nt understand a thing. Or a person who can’t conduct themselves in a particular manner at a particular time. For example if we say “We ni mbleina” in swahili it means the person is a fool. So in short mbleina means “A Fool” in direct translation. But if you use the word “Mbleina” to describe a particular group of people who you don’t vibe with, We can say “Mbleina” means haters.
Mbleina Discovery
As the streets have it, “Mbleina” was discovered in the streets mainly in the ghetto. We don’t have a particular area but, it is a common language that everyone communicates through.
Check out other sheng words I defined
How to learn sheng Easily
If you want to learn sheng language make sure, you are a good listener and you’re eager to. Also pay attention to the way the words are used because sheng’ language is coded sometimes. You may not really understand the meaning immediately. Lastly always ask.
Also when you learn a new sheng word, try use it in a normal converstion and try sharing with your friends and peers. It’s always fun to learn sheng.