Welcome to Gengeton by Kelxfy

You may be wondering who we are… worry no more. Gengeton is a digital platform where we document the Kenyan music (Gengetone) and connect to the world. It was established by Kelx who is the founder of Kelxfy.
Kelx fell in love with the music and used to create lyrics videos on Youtube. Unfortunately Kelx lost more than 10 channels due to copyright issues. Kelx never gave up and he started Gengeton in November 2019.
All my previous work done by Kelx can be found on Facebook page Kelxfy.
Why Gengeton? The word Genge relates to most youth and we really wanted to connect to the youth as our main audience majority are the youth.
Lesson learned: We’ve been in the game for long and we can connect to most of the music released today. That’s why we use our experience to empower the youth.
Future Plans: We want to grow to a fully digital space where we can be working with artists and the media.
Parting Shot: Always be ready to explore… there are many opportunities out here.
Opportunities Available: For business/ inquiries Email: gengeton@gmail.com