Folake for the Night meaning
Guess you have heard the new song ‘Folake for the Night’ on Tiktok or probably on your friends status or on Instagram. Today I discovered the new song and it is actually titled “Finesse” on YouTube. The song is written and performed by Nigerian artist Pheelz featuring Buju now called Bnxn (after changing his name to Benson on social media). It is an interesting song and fans are vibing to it. So let’s now analyse the real meaning of the name “Folake for the Night”.
What does Folake mean?
According to a source, the name Folake is derived from a religious perspective in Nigeria. It actually means – Someone who is taken care with wealth. In Yoruba language, the name can mean a girl, the author continues to say that someone who is religious or comes from a religious family is given the name Folake.
What does ‘Folake for the Night’ mean?
According to the song, Folake for the night may now mean “A girl for the night” so Pheelz and Buju mean they need maybe a girl to spend with for the night.
Watch the official video here
Check out the lyrics here