Mbwakni/ Umbwakni meaning in Sheng and English
Background: The name “Mbwakni” was invented by Buruklyn Boyz member Wizzo Tano Nane “Kwani ni Kesho” on May 20, 2021. Wizzo Tano Nane, also known as Jeffrey Wizzo Maina, is a viral celebrity best known for his wise advice to the youth.
The word Mbwakni means “fake” in English.
Furthermore, the word “Mbwakni” is used in different contexts. For example, to know the extent of fakeness, we say “Umbwakni”. Luku mbwakni means fake fashion, or luku kasuku.
Mbwakni is also a new sheng word invented in 2021, just like Morio hukudinya.
In summary, sheng is evolving, and we have to embrace the new norm. Youth are taking over, and we ought to learn the new language as quickly as possible. Communication is the key.
Other viral Sheng trends include Kwani ni Kesho by Buruklyn Boyz, Kimonyoski by Kartelo, Rong Rende by Wakadinali, and Ngumi Mbwegze by Mbogi Genje.
Good try, but the correct background of the word mbwakni is not as suggested . Mbwakni is actually a local dialect term.