Twak Makende Meaning in English

According to most people, the word ‘Twak Makende’ was used when they were kids. The word “Twak Makende’ is rarely used on day to day basis. The word is derived from the Luo language and was for the first time used on national TV by RamogiTV.
Twak Makende was trending for almost two days on Twitter and many people wanted to know the meaning. The meaning of ‘Twak Makende’ in this context means ‘A special interview’ as Ramogi TV was interviewing someone special for the first time. So Twak Makende can be used to mean a special occurrence that has never happened before.
Why is the word ‘Twak Makende’ rarely used?
The word Twak Makende is rarely used because of the second last name “Makende” which has a different meaning in the Swahili language and also in sheng.

Twak Makende on Twitter