Trending ‘Kwani sisi ni Wanawake’ meaning & Origin
If you love memes, I guess you have seen “Kwani sisi ni wanawake” memes on Twitter, Whatsapp status or even Instagram or Facebook, and Tiktok. “Kwani sisi ni wanawake” is a Swahili word it means “Are we women” So, the words can be traced back to the original video which was recorded in 2017. 5 years down the line in 2022 the word has gone extremely viral on social media platforms.
Kwani sisi ni wanawake Origin and meaning
The word Kwani sisi ni Wanawake was first mentioned in a campaign-themed video whereby the speaker was talking about his favorite political candidate. As he continued to pour his heart out, he accidentally used the word “Kwani sisi ni wanawake”. In the video, he is seen asking his fellow friends the question if they are women. So in this context, Kwani sisi ni wanawake means “Are we women?“
So if you know you are a man, there are certain things you don’t do or even never thought of doing. So if someone tells you to do it, you ask them if you are a woman. . . So in singular, you may ask “Kwani mimi ni mwanamke” meaning Am I a woman?
The trend continued with some hilarious memes while netizens made fun of the video which seems to be so funny. Lol
Watch the video here… please don’t laugh alone, you may share the joy with someone else.