Mapema Ndio Best meaning in Sheng & English

“Mapema ndio best” is a Kenyan phrase invented in 2022. Mapema is a Swahili word which means “Early”, Ndio is a Swahili word which means “is” in English. While “best” is an English word which means the most excellent or something quality than the rest. So when we say Mapema ndo best we can say Early is the Best.
“Mapema ndio Best” Meaning in Sheng
A word can mean another thing in sheng so if you don’t understand sheng it can be confusing to understand the real meaning of something in the streets. When we talk about “Mapema Ndio Best” in Sheng language, it means getting something earlier is the best thing since there is no competition.
For example when someone wakes early to a market like Gikomba, they would find good quality clothes than those who will wake up late. In this context,we can also relate to the saying “The early bird gets the worm” .
Also it can also relate to Matatu business, when you wake up early you can pay as little as Ksh. 30 unlike when you wake up at 7 AM depending on the route you live in.
Mapema Ndio Best in real life
In life, people who wake up early in the morning get the best results. If you apply a job early the possibility of missing the deadline application is very rare. So the phrase mapema ndio best can be encouraging us to work hard and put more effort in life in order to get results and rewards.
Mapema Ndio Best Song by Gwaash
The song “Mapema Ndo Best” is written by Kenyan artist Gwaash featuring OnlyOneDelo and K4Kanali. The song was released on September 10, 2022. The song hypes the phrase mapema ndio best and also gives more flavour to the phrase. The song also motivates us to get up and work hard.
Mapema Ndio Best lyrics
Mapema ndio Best lyrics were written by Kenyan artists Gwaash, OnlyOneDelo and K4Kanali. The lyrics are in Swahili language.

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