“Please wait while your request is being verified” explained

Recently I got this error when trying to access certain websites “Please wait while your request is being verified”. I was wondering what is wrong because I was unable to access the website information at the time. So I had to Google and I found a solution.
I realized this occurs because the website that I am trying to access is connected to Cloudflare a cloud-based content delivery network. The information “Please wait while your request is being verified” is displayed because the website is tracking real traffic. This simply means that if a real person is trying to access the website, then Cloudflare would be able to know. Also when a bot is trying to access the website Cloudflare would be able to detect it.

If the website displays the message for long, someone might think it’s an error. Here the solution is to simply refresh the page and you will be able to access the website you are trying to access. It seems like a simple solution but many have experienced the same problem I had experienced.
You can check the official Cloudflare Website forum to learn more here.