Sean MMG Accident Story Explained…

Sean MMG explains what really happened when he was involved in an accident. Sean sits with his girlfriend Tonia to tell his audience what happened on this material day. The accident happened… It was on 28th November 2021. It is unforgetable day just like one’s birthday, sean laments.

So on this material day, Sean had been invited by Flirty Carlos and Sammy Boy to an event by Diana Marua also known as Diana B at Mombasa Road. Sean was invited with his girlfriend Tonia, they were at Kitisuru. Together with his friends Masoud, Caro and Tonia they prepared to go. But Tonia was reluctant to go.
Sean MMG recalls his car, it was one of his favourite. He says that the car was so unique to him that he wouldn’t like to compare it with another. They were headed to Mombasa Road via Spring Valley at 60Kph. They were listening to cool music by Ckay called DTF, when they heard a burst. It was a tyre burst. Immeadiately he realized the burst, the car could not move. He tried to control the car but the car was locked. He says that they hit an electric pole.
And that’s how they were involved in an accident.
After the accident happened, he called his friends to alert them. A good samaritan also helped them and called an ambulance which came to rescue. Sean says that this day is special because he got to meet the love of his life Tonia.
Sean says that the tyre burst caused an them in a frenzy. Watch the full video here
Sean MMG now has a new car, a brand new AUDI, check out the photos below