Wakadinali Sheng Dictionary & Meanings

Ever coming to the game, Wakadinali have dominated over the years and have taken the role to be the voice of Eastlands when it comes to music. And since Wakadinali have experienced street life and the outcomes, they try to communicate a message in most of their songs. In this article, we are going to analyze Wakadinali sheng words and their meanings.

Sheng Words by Wakadinali and meanings
- Umoroto – Umoroto is taken from the word “Umoja” and it means Umoja, a hood where Wakadinali grew up.
- Chief Gwetheist – Chief Gwetheist is a name coined by Sewersydaa in 2023, it simply means someone who loves to stone. Gwethe is a sheng word that means cannabis sativa or marijuana. The word Gwethe can also mean to stay alert. Sewer went ahead to release a song known as Chief Gwetheist.
- Balalu – Balalu is a sheng word that means a hood, a house, or an area code. It was first mentioned by Wakadinali artist Domani Munga in the song “Balalu“.
- Mrazi – Mrazi is a sheng word mostly used by Wakadinali to mean a fool. Someone who is a traitor or a betrayer.
- Rong Rende – Rong Rende usually abbreviated by RR, is a logo used by Wakadinali in their craft. Rong is the word “Wrong”, which means bad. Rende is taken from the Kikuyu word “kirende” which means many people. Therefore Rong Rende means a bad or a wrong crew. This is from the music perspective.
- Wakadinali – The name Wakadinali is borrowed from the word “Cardinal” and translated into the Swahili language. Therefore Wakadinali simply means the Cardinals. The name has a deeper meaning to the crew. As the name suggests, it was a creative name behind the group when they were starting out. They came to change the rap game and have lived to this.
- Goshodo – Goshodo is a sheng word that means a girl. In their song “Balalu”, Domani Munga raps “Inzagi Goshodo huko balalu” and this simply means take your girl home.
- Zaski – Zaski is a sheng word introduced by Sewersydaa it means “to listen”. Taken form the Swahili word “Skiza”.
- Manadriller – Manadriller is a Sheng word introduced by Wakadinali member Sewersdaa. Manadriller means a person who raps in the drill genre.
- Rucio – Rucio means tomorrow, it is borrowed from the Kikuyu language. The word is mentioned in Sewersydaa’s new song “Chief Gwetheist”.
- Kichwa Mbaya – “Kichwa Mbaya” is a sheng used to mean “Unruly”, in the song “Kichwa Mbaya” by Masterpiece featuring Wakadinali, Domani Munga sings about somebody being unruly.
The article will be updated as soon as new Wakadinali songs are released. Stay tuned.
Gwetheist – gwethe means mogoka/khat. A gwetheist is someone who often partakes in the stimulant drug.
Balalu – A lodging. Many young men take their ‘dates’ to rented places to fornicate.
Wakadinali – Scar Mkadinali has often insisted that their name has no deeper meaning behind it and it has no affiliation with the english word ‘cardinals’.
Zaski – This is ‘skiza’ backwards in Umoja slang, where the suffix of a word is brought to the front e.g ‘skiZA’ becomes ‘ZAski’ and ‘keJA’ becomes ‘JAke’